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  • Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games
    Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games

    The Practical Guide to Building Reliable Networked Multiplayer Games   Networked multiplayer games are a multibillion dollar business: some games now attract tens of millions of players. In this practical, code-rich guide, Joshua Glazer and Sanjay Madhav guide you through every aspect of engineering them. Drawing on their immense experience as both game developers and instructors, the authors lead you through building a robust multiplayer architecture, and creating every engine-level system. You’ll learn through in-depth working code examples for two complete games: an action game and a real time strategy (RTS) game.   First, Madhav and Glazer review the essentials of networking and network programming from the standpoint of game developers. Next, they walk through managing game data transmission, updating game objects across the network, and organizing the devices that join your game. You’ll learn how to ensure reliable performance despite the Internet’s inherent inconsistencies, and how to design game code for maximum security and scalability. The authors conclude by addressing two increasingly crucial issues: incorporating gamer services and hosting your games in the cloud.   This guide’s content has been extensively tested through the authors’ multiplayer game programming courses at USC. It is equally valuable both to students and to working game programmers moving into networked games.   Coverage includes How games have evolved to meet the challenges of networked environments Using Internet communication protocols and standards in game development Working with Berkeley Socket, the most widely used networking construct in multiplayer gaming Formatting game data for efficient Internet transmission Synchronizing states so all players share the same world Organizing networking topologies for large-scale games Overcoming latency and jitter problems that cause delays or lost data Scaling games without compromising performance Combating security vulnerabilities and software cheats Leveraging the networking functionality of the popular Unreal 4 and Unity game engines Integrating gamer services such as matchmaking, achievements, and leaderboards Running game servers in the cloud About the Website C++ source code for all examples is available at Instructors will also find a full set of PowerPoint slides and a sample syllabus.    

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Build Your Community
    Build Your Community

    A powerful customer community will help you to scale customer support, attract new customers, and gather indispensable feedback and knowledge. But how do you make it happen?Build Your Community fuses proven principles from the world of psychology with user experience and design thinking into a foolproof approach helping you to: Start from scratch and attract your first members. Find and design the perfect platform for your community. Keep members engaged, sharing expertise, and helping each other. Create a magnetic community culture  unique from any other online destination. Position you and your organisation at the center of your field. Budget for your community with a detailed breakdown of costs and resources required.Richard Millington shares the strategies, principles and tactics he has used to help over 300organisations to build communities over the past decade, including Apple, Facebook and SAP.If you wish to build a united, powerful online community, Build Your Community is your definitive guide.

    Preis: 8.55 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Online Community Handbook: Building your business and brand on the Web
    Online Community Handbook: Building your business and brand on the Web

    Successful online communities don’t just happen by themselves. They’re the result of a carefully executed strategy, solid design, and patient nurturing. Though they may seem like a lot of work, the benefits an online community can bring to your brand make the efforts worthwhile. This book will provide you with the essential tools to build online communities. You’ll learn how to:• identify the business objectives for your online community• develop a community strategy to recruit and retain members• create brand loyalty, bring in new business, and offer value to customers that your competitors cannot imitate• take advantage of free advertising opportunities• use communities to gain market insights and establish a direct line to your customer baseIn addition, you’ll discover the risks and costs of an online community project, how it can end up saving your company money, and even how it can become an important new revenue source of its own.You’ll also be inspired by exclusive interviews, where the people who manage thriving online communities share the lessons they’ve learned and the secrets of their success.

    Preis: 14.97 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut)
    Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut)

    This digital Short Cut, delivered in Adobe PDF format for quick and easy access, is an introduction to issues with cheating and anti-cheating countermeasures in the online gaming industry.   At present, the online game World of Warcraft has approximately six million subscribers worldwide. At any given time, 500,000 people are logged in and playing. And while many of these players log countless hours engaged in the repetitive tasks required to accumulate points and acquire virtual money and tools–an activity called “grinding”–others would rather find a way to speed game-play along. So they cheat.   Some write macros to grind for them while they are doing better things. Others find websites where they can purchase the ill-gotten gains of those macro-writers. Either way, big money is on the line when players cheat. A high rate of cheating upsets the online gaming economy and disrupts game play for everyone. If disgruntled players leave the game, then World of Warcraft’s creator (Blizzard Entertainment) loses real subscribers and real money.   With the stakes so high, it’s not surprising that companies like Blizzard Entertainment take active steps to prevent cheating. But you may be surprised and upset to learn exactly what those measures are and how they might affect your PC. This digital Short Cut will discuss the methods gaming companies use to prevent cheating. You will learn how a program designed for World of Warcraft keeps watch of your game-play by scanning your computer for open processes and collecting information about you. We’ll also show you how to run a program called the Governor to keep watch of the watchers and know exactly what Blizzard Entertainment is doing on your computer.   After reading this Short Cut, you’ll also have a much better understanding of the ethical and technical issues surrounding cheating and be able to make informed decisions about how much you want to grind and how much you want gaming companies to know about you.   Cheating Online Games contains information that will appear in Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw’s forthcoming book, Exploiting Online Games (ISBN 0132271915), available summer/fall 2007. This Short Cut is fully self-contained and is an excellent place to start learning about technical issues in online gaming.   Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut) ·         What This Short Cut Will Cover ·         A Brief History of Cheating ·         Defeating Piracy by Going Online ·         Or Not... ·         The Lawyers Have Landed Bearing EULAs ·         The Rise of MMORPGs ·         The WoW Warden Is Watching ·         Cheating Is Quick and Easy ·         Grinding Is Boring and Dull ·         Farming Makes Things Easy ·         Virtual-World Economics ·         Farming Hurts the Virtual Economy ·         Games as Reality ·         Cracking Down on Farming ·         Online Game, Real-World Cheating ·         Defeating Cheaters and Crossing the Line ·         The Governor Watches the Watcher  

    Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wann ist ein Zap Hosting Server online?

    Ein Zap Hosting Server ist online, sobald er erfolgreich gestartet wurde und alle erforderlichen Dienste und Anwendungen ordnungsgemäß ausgeführt werden. Dies kann je nach Konfiguration und Hardware des Servers einige Minuten dauern. Sobald der Server online ist, können Benutzer auf ihn zugreifen und Dienste wie Websites, Spiele oder andere Anwendungen nutzen.

  • Was ist ein Lifetime Gameserver von Zap Hosting?

    Ein Lifetime Gameserver von Zap Hosting ist ein Gameserver, den man einmalig kauft und dann lebenslang nutzen kann, ohne monatliche Gebühren zu zahlen. Man erhält Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von Spielen und kann den Server nach eigenen Wünschen konfigurieren. Es ist eine kostengünstige Option für Spieler, die langfristig einen Gameserver betreiben möchten.

  • Welche Gaming-Plattformen bieten die besten Funktionen für Multiplayer-Spiele und Community-Interaktionen?

    Die besten Gaming-Plattformen für Multiplayer-Spiele und Community-Interaktionen sind PC, PlayStation und Xbox. Diese Plattformen bieten eine Vielzahl von Funktionen wie Voice-Chat, Freundeslisten und Gruppenchats, die es den Spielern ermöglichen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und zusammen zu spielen. Zudem haben sie eine große und aktive Community, die regelmäßig Events und Turniere veranstaltet.

  • Welche Spielplattformen eignen sich am besten für multiplayer Online-Gaming?

    Die beliebtesten Spielplattformen für multiplayer Online-Gaming sind PC, PlayStation und Xbox. Diese Plattformen bieten eine große Auswahl an Spielen und eine stabile Online-Verbindung. Zudem ermöglichen sie das Spielen mit Freunden über das Internet oder lokale Netzwerke.

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  • Live Performance and Video Games
    Live Performance and Video Games

    Live Performance and Video Games , Narrative strategies, immersion, interaction, participation, identification, multimodality, characters and the connection between physical and fictional or virtual worlds: the fields of inquiry into the complex relationship between live performance and video games are numerous and diverse. For the first time, this collection brings together international researchers and artists to explore this relationship in a variety of essays. The contributors to this volume focus on reciprocal inspirations, appropriations and transfers applied by theatre artists, game designers and researchers. They analyze several artistic forms such as VR performance, immersive theatre, speedrunning or Game-Theatre. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

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  • Gymnastikball Mini Stability
    Gymnastikball Mini Stability

    Er ist extrem leicht und kann ganz sanft auf einem Luftstrom schweben. Man kann ihn problemlos mit den Augen verfolgen und ihn daher leicht fangen, schlagen, sich selbst zuwerfen, .... Sein Rückprall und seine Leichtigkeit können je nach Luftzufuhr gesteuert werden. Dieser Ball ist ein ideales Hilfsmittel zur Verbesserung von Haltung, Gleichgewicht, Kraft und Flexibilität. Er kann auch für yoga und Pilates verwendet werden. Er lässt sich mithilfe eines mitgelieferten Strohhalms leicht aufblasen und entleeren. Hält einem Gewicht von max. 100 kg stand.

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  • Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games
    Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games

    The Practical Guide to Building Reliable Networked Multiplayer Games   Networked multiplayer games are a multibillion dollar business: some games now attract tens of millions of players. In this practical, code-rich guide, Joshua Glazer and Sanjay Madhav guide you through every aspect of engineering them. Drawing on their immense experience as both game developers and instructors, the authors lead you through building a robust multiplayer architecture, and creating every engine-level system. You’ll learn through in-depth working code examples for two complete games: an action game and a real time strategy (RTS) game.   First, Madhav and Glazer review the essentials of networking and network programming from the standpoint of game developers. Next, they walk through managing game data transmission, updating game objects across the network, and organizing the devices that join your game. You’ll learn how to ensure reliable performance despite the Internet’s inherent inconsistencies, and how to design game code for maximum security and scalability. The authors conclude by addressing two increasingly crucial issues: incorporating gamer services and hosting your games in the cloud.   This guide’s content has been extensively tested through the authors’ multiplayer game programming courses at USC. It is equally valuable both to students and to working game programmers moving into networked games.   Coverage includes How games have evolved to meet the challenges of networked environments Using Internet communication protocols and standards in game development Working with Berkeley Socket, the most widely used networking construct in multiplayer gaming Formatting game data for efficient Internet transmission Synchronizing states so all players share the same world Organizing networking topologies for large-scale games Overcoming latency and jitter problems that cause delays or lost data Scaling games without compromising performance Combating security vulnerabilities and software cheats Leveraging the networking functionality of the popular Unreal 4 and Unity game engines Integrating gamer services such as matchmaking, achievements, and leaderboards Running game servers in the cloud About the Website C++ source code for all examples is available at Instructors will also find a full set of PowerPoint slides and a sample syllabus.    

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Auswirkungen hat die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen auf die soziale Interaktion und das Verhalten von Spielern in der Gaming-Community?

    Die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen hat dazu geführt, dass Spieler vermehrt online miteinander interagieren und sich in virtuellen Welten treffen. Dadurch können Spieler aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt miteinander kommunizieren und Freundschaften schließen, was zu einer globaleren und vielfältigeren Gaming-Community führt. Gleichzeitig kann die Anonymität des Internets zu unangemessenem Verhalten und Cybermobbing führen, was die soziale Interaktion in Online-Spielen beeinträchtigen kann. Die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen hat auch dazu geführt, dass Spieler vermehrt Zeit vor Bildschirmen verbringen, was Auswirkungen auf ihre sozialen Interaktionen außerhalb des Spiels haben kann.

  • Wie beeinflusst die Online-Spieler-Community die heutige Gaming-Industrie?

    Die Online-Spieler-Community beeinflusst die Gaming-Industrie, indem sie Feedback zu Spielen gibt, Entwickler unterstützt und neue Trends setzt. Durch soziale Medien und Foren können Spieler ihre Meinungen und Wünsche direkt an die Entwickler kommunizieren. Die Community kann somit maßgeblich dazu beitragen, welche Spiele erfolgreich sind und welche Trends sich durchsetzen.

  • Ist der Minecraft-Multiplayer-Server veraltet?

    Es ist schwierig zu sagen, ob der Minecraft-Multiplayer-Server veraltet ist, da dies von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängt. Wenn der Server nicht regelmäßig aktualisiert wird und nicht über die neuesten Funktionen und Verbesserungen verfügt, könnte er als veraltet angesehen werden. Es hängt jedoch auch von den Vorlieben der Spieler ab, da einige möglicherweise ältere Versionen des Spiels bevorzugen.

  • Wie beeinflusst das Online-Multiplayer-Gaming die soziale Interaktion und die Entwicklung von Teamfähigkeit?

    Online-Multiplayer-Gaming fördert die soziale Interaktion, da Spieler aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt miteinander kommunizieren und zusammenarbeiten können. Es hilft auch bei der Entwicklung von Teamfähigkeit, da Spieler lernen müssen, effektiv im Team zu arbeiten, um gemeinsame Ziele zu erreichen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit in Online-Spielen können Spieler wichtige Fähigkeiten wie Kommunikation, Koordination und strategisches Denken verbessern.

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