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Produkt zum Begriff Own:

  • Your Own Lakehouse
    Your Own Lakehouse

    Preis: 486 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Sweigart, Al: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
    Sweigart, Al: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python

    Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python , Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python will teach you how to make computer games using the popular Python programming language—even if you've never programmed before! Begin by building classic games like Hangman, Guess the Number, and Tic-Tac-Toe, and then work your way up to more advanced games, like a text-based treasure hunting game and an animated collision-dodging game with sound effects. Along the way, you'll learn key programming and math concepts that will help you take your game programming to the next level. Learn how to: -Combine loops, variables, and flow control statements into real working programs -Choose the right data structures for the job, such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples -Add graphics and animation to your games with the pygame module -Handle keyboard and mouse input -Program simple artificial intelligence so you can play against the computer -Use cryptography to convert text messages into secret code -Debug your programs and find common errors As you work through each game, you'll build a solid foundation in Python and an understanding of computer science fundamentals. What new game will you create with the power of Python? The projects in this book are compatible with Python 3. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Fachkategorie: Spieleentwicklung und -programmierung, Text Sprache: eng, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0010, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,

    Preis: 23.61 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
    Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood

    Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood

    Preis: 4.75 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Gater, Alexandra: Own Your Space
    Gater, Alexandra: Own Your Space

    Own Your Space , DIY YouTuber Alexandra Gater shows you how to creatively, inexpensively, and beautifully decorate your space in this inviting and accessible definitive guide to décor ideas for renters and new homeowners alike. Have you ever wondered what to do about the ?Renter Beige? walls in your apartment? Have you ever thought you'd wait to upgrade that sofa from your grandparents' basement until you had a place of your own?and then found yourself spiraling with questions like, ?Will I ever own a house?? Have you bought a new home?but now have little money left over to spruce it up? And how can you make those outdated appliances and cabinets in your kitchen look better without breaking your budget? Alexandra Gater is here to help. Through her online home decorating series, the YouTube star and décor expert has taught millions how to transform their spaces into the homes of their dreams. Whether struggling with the limits of living in a rental?how do you hang things without putting holes in the wall??or living in a new home?how can you make that outdated backsplash work for you??Alexandra has the answer. In Own Your Space , she offers tips and tricks covering everything from making your home smell better to essential kitchen utensils. And best of all, you get to know her better along the way. Gorgeously designed, full of practical advice, DIY, and fun anecdotes, and packed with approximately 300 four-color photographs, Own Your Space will help you turn your apartment or starter house into the place you want it to be . , >

    Preis: 26.77 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wer kennt gute Geschichten für "Episode - Choose Your Own Story"?

    Es gibt viele gute Geschichten für "Episode - Choose Your Own Story", da die Plattform von einer großen Community unterstützt wird. Einige beliebte Geschichten sind "The Baby Project" von Kayla Sloans, "The Secret of Rain" von Joseph Evans und "The Phoenix Prophecy" von Joseph Evans. Diese Geschichten bieten spannende Handlungen, interessante Charaktere und verschiedene Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten, um den Verlauf der Geschichte zu beeinflussen.

  • Wann ist ein Zap Hosting Server online?

    Ein Zap Hosting Server ist online, sobald er erfolgreich gestartet wurde und alle erforderlichen Dienste und Anwendungen ordnungsgemäß ausgeführt werden. Dies kann je nach Konfiguration und Hardware des Servers einige Minuten dauern. Sobald der Server online ist, können Benutzer auf ihn zugreifen und Dienste wie Websites, Spiele oder andere Anwendungen nutzen.

  • Wie kann ich LEGO-Figuren für meine MOC (My Own Creation) kaufen?

    Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, LEGO-Figuren für deine MOC zu kaufen. Du kannst sie entweder direkt bei LEGO kaufen, entweder in einem LEGO Store oder online auf ihrer Website. Alternativ kannst du auch auf Plattformen wie eBay oder BrickLink nach gebrauchten LEGO-Figuren suchen. Es gibt auch spezialisierte LEGO-Händler, die eine große Auswahl an Figuren anbieten.

  • Was ist ein Lifetime Gameserver von Zap Hosting?

    Ein Lifetime Gameserver von Zap Hosting ist ein Gameserver, den man einmalig kauft und dann lebenslang nutzen kann, ohne monatliche Gebühren zu zahlen. Man erhält Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl von Spielen und kann den Server nach eigenen Wünschen konfigurieren. Es ist eine kostengünstige Option für Spieler, die langfristig einen Gameserver betreiben möchten.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Own:

  • A World Of Your Own
    A World Of Your Own

    Preis: 37 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Be Your Own Career Coach
    Be Your Own Career Coach

    All the expertise and proven benefits of one-to-one time with a professional career coach, but for a fraction of the price. Take control of your career, improve your employability, identify your unique brand and skill set and fast track your career to the next level. Includes a full, detailed career analysis using the latest career management techniques, together with expert guidance and advice, this will allow you to pinpoint your personal strengths, develop your abilities and take control so you can build a plan that will make your career aspirations a reality. This practical, friendly and accessible guide includes assessments, assignments, planning exercises and fascinating case-studies. 

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Starting Up On Your Own
    Starting Up On Your Own

    “I wish this book had been available when I began my independent career. There’s only one word for it – PRICELESS!!!” -Shay McConnon, psychologist, trainer, coach, magician and mentor   “Grounded in common-sense and humour and very clear about what can send you off track.-    Norman Walker, former global head of Human Resources for Novartis, now an independent senior executive coach and consultant on leadership  "AMUST read, for anyone thinking about life outside the organisation” - Goran Hultin former Deputy Director General at the ILO (International Labour Office), now a successful independent consultant  HOW TO WORK FOR YOURSELF AND MAKE IT WORKAre you thinking of starting up on your own and working for yourself? Do you need to know the nuts and bolts of setting up; marketing yourself and prospecting for new business; keeping things running on a day-to-day basis? Have you already made the leap and want to get more work, new clients, higher fees? This practical, no-nonsense book pulls no punches and gives you all the guidance you need to set yourself up and get work in the first place, plus all the know-how you need to survive, prosper and expand once you’re up and running.See the book’s website at up-to-the minute financial and tax information for small businesses and the self-employed.This book was previously known as Smarter Consulting.IF YOU NEVER WANT TO WORK FOR SOMEBODY ELSE AGAIN, YOU NEED STARTING UP ON YOUR OWN!Chances are that if you're looking at this book you are at least thinking about taking the big step of going it alone. Or you're already in business as an independent and you want to get better at it. Well, you've come to the right place. Starting Up On Your Own covers everything you need to get ready to work for yourself and, once you've taken the plunge, how to develop your business and stay the course. If you’re not already in business, the first step is to decide if this is the right path for you. To help you with this critical decision, this book takes you through the reality of what's involved and has a unique self-assessment quiz to help you check out your suitability for the independent working lifestyle. You’re probably an expert in your chosen field. That’s great: you’ll be selling your expertise. But when you're working for yourself you have to be good at a whole lot of other things too. Starting Up On Your Own covers everything you need to do to make money and survive as an independent. * Where do I start?* How should I market myself?* How can I get repeat business from my clients?* How do I win new clients?* What should I charge and what do I need to do to make sure I get paid on time?* When can I put up my fees? (And when shouldn’t I?)* Can I work from home?* How much will I need to invest?* Should I hire someone else to work for me?* How shall I organise my time? The answers to all these questions and more are right here. What are you waiting for?  Mike Johnsonbegan life as an independent, freelance consultant in 1982, before founding a corporate communications firm in Brussels and London, following a career in journalism and corporate communication for multinational corporations. In 1999 he started again as an independent consultant and freelance. This book is about what he has learned on his freelance journey. His focus today centres around the world of work, talent management and corporate communication for both private and public o

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Own Your Piece Of Africa
    Own Your Piece Of Africa

    Preis: 240 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Welche Gaming-Plattformen bieten die besten Funktionen für Multiplayer-Spiele und Community-Interaktionen?

    Die besten Gaming-Plattformen für Multiplayer-Spiele und Community-Interaktionen sind PC, PlayStation und Xbox. Diese Plattformen bieten eine Vielzahl von Funktionen wie Voice-Chat, Freundeslisten und Gruppenchats, die es den Spielern ermöglichen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und zusammen zu spielen. Zudem haben sie eine große und aktive Community, die regelmäßig Events und Turniere veranstaltet.

  • Welche Spielplattformen eignen sich am besten für multiplayer Online-Gaming?

    Die beliebtesten Spielplattformen für multiplayer Online-Gaming sind PC, PlayStation und Xbox. Diese Plattformen bieten eine große Auswahl an Spielen und eine stabile Online-Verbindung. Zudem ermöglichen sie das Spielen mit Freunden über das Internet oder lokale Netzwerke.

  • Welche Auswirkungen hat die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen auf die soziale Interaktion und das Verhalten von Spielern in der Gaming-Community?

    Die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen hat dazu geführt, dass Spieler vermehrt online miteinander interagieren und sich in virtuellen Welten treffen. Dadurch können Spieler aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt miteinander kommunizieren und Freundschaften schließen, was zu einer globaleren und vielfältigeren Gaming-Community führt. Gleichzeitig kann die Anonymität des Internets zu unangemessenem Verhalten und Cybermobbing führen, was die soziale Interaktion in Online-Spielen beeinträchtigen kann. Die steigende Beliebtheit von Online-Multiplayer-Spielen hat auch dazu geführt, dass Spieler vermehrt Zeit vor Bildschirmen verbringen, was Auswirkungen auf ihre sozialen Interaktionen außerhalb des Spiels haben kann.

  • Wie beeinflusst die Online-Spieler-Community die heutige Gaming-Industrie?

    Die Online-Spieler-Community beeinflusst die Gaming-Industrie, indem sie Feedback zu Spielen gibt, Entwickler unterstützt und neue Trends setzt. Durch soziale Medien und Foren können Spieler ihre Meinungen und Wünsche direkt an die Entwickler kommunizieren. Die Community kann somit maßgeblich dazu beitragen, welche Spiele erfolgreich sind und welche Trends sich durchsetzen.

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